ready to train? I’m ready to coach.


Do It Yourself Website

This coaching program is for the creative who wants or needs to build their own website. D.I.Y Website offers a quick and intensive way to partner with me to take you by the hand to getting a branded by you + magnetic website up and running.

  • Just now starting and don’t want to step out looking any kind of way, this for you

  • Not new, but you haven’t establish a piece of internet realestate, this is for you

  • You are a creative and want to learn how it’s done, this is for you

Her Brand Coaching

If you are looking to brand your business yourself, but need guidance to help you along, this coaching is for you.

Developing a personal brand is similar to product branding. The overall goal with branding is to differentiate yourself (the product) in the market so you can attain your objectives, be those landing your dream job or becoming a famous singer. The process includes defining your brand and brand attributes, positioning your brand in a different way than your competitors and then managing all aspects of your personal brand.

This coaching program will help you Aim, Ready Fire. By working with me one on one I will help you to avoid mis-steps, by taking the time to work through these six steps first.

Step 1: Define your overall aspirations.

Step 2: Conduct research

Step 3: Determine your brand attributes.

Step 4: Assess your current state.

Step 5: Create your game plan.

Step 6: Manage your brand.


Shifting mindset Coaching

Change is inevitable. Accepting it--and learning to anticipate it--is not, and understanding that is a major mental hurdle for entrepreneurs as their businesses, customers and market shift over time.

But you can actually train your brain to get better at handling change through some simple mental exercises, from imagining your company's demise to learning how to meditate. It's not always pleasant, but it is possible. When you decide to embrace a profound life change, it’s scary, because change is scary. But the only way to successfully deal with change is to master it, and once you do, launching your life forward will eventually come easily and naturally.